
To edit a track, open the Album Composer, then look at the tabbed list on the left, and click the track you want to edit. You will notice the main pane on the right shows the track details in an editable form. To edit a field, click on it and it will become editable.

To switch between different tracks just click them on the left tabbed menu.


Be sure to review the meta-data style guide to learn more about the fields on this form.

Meta-data style guide

Audio format requirements

Audio requirements: 44.1kHz WAV 16bit Stereo. We can also accept 48kHz 24bit, but this is experimental. If you do decide to upload higher quality format you should double check your release afterwards to make sure all files were properly processed. FLAC support is temporarily unavailable right now.

Replacing files

To replace files, on the Album Editor, choose a track and then a "replace" icon will appear if the track already has an audio file assigned. Click "replace" and choose the new file from your hard disk. Clips with ID3's and embedded artwork will be regenerated.