Dashboard basics
A quick overview of our dashboard components
This page will give you a quick look at our dash and the necessary components to create and distribute a release.
Main Navigation
Our main navigation categorizes all platform sections into 5 groups: Catalog, Distribution, Marketing, Analytics, Demo Inbox, and Royalties. To keep this article brief, we will not discuss these sections in detail here, but you can read more about them in later parts of the documentation.
Action menu
Each release has an action menu. In this menu, you can View Details, Actions, Edit, and Delete.
View Details: This will show you details about your release.
Edit: Allows you to edit your release.
Delete: Deletes your release.
Actions: From here, you can send the release to shops (distribute), takedown, post to Bandcamp, SoundCloud, and YouTube, and export to Promoly.
Selecting each row will also give you a variation of the Actions Menu
Instagram Clip: Create an Instagram clip of your track
Transcoder: Turn Wavs into Flac, MP3s, and more.
Refresh Thumbnail:
Email: Package tracks into a zip and deliver them via email.
Send to Bandcamp: Connect to Bandcamp and upload your music.
Send to SoundCloud: Upload clips to SoundCloud, privately or publically.
Send Track/Album to YouTube: Upload to YouTube.
Send to Shops: Distribute your music.
Delete: Delete your release.
We have a submenu under each main menu. For example, when viewing the catalogue, you’ll see releases, tracks, labels, artists, writers and contributors, and publishers in the submenu.
Clicking on the submenu will change your view but keep you in the overall category.
We have placed tooltips in the app to help you learn without interrupting your workflow.
Hover over the ❓ to reveal the tips.
Almost all forms on the dash will look similar, follow the same design and are intuitive to use.
Send to Shops form:
Top right menu
The menu at the top right of the screen can be used to access your overall account settings, including email address, name, etc., and change your password, billing information, contracts, and support. This menu is a convenient way to access high-level options.
Use the system menu to:
Access your account info
View your billing subscription
Access our WordPress Tool
View documentation
Access contracts and legal information
Access support