Monitoring deliveries

Monitoring deliveries

You can monitor your deliveries by checking your delivery queues as follows.


Each queue has a status column. If you hover over the status icon or text in this column you should see a tooltip with more detail about the exact status message.

A note about the delete button. This button only deletes the queue item from your queue. It does not affect the already made post in anyway.

TROUBLESHOOTING: See bottom of this page for info on how to troubleshoot your deliveries.

Shop Deliveries

To monitor status of general shop deliveries go to Catalog > Distribution Queue.


To monitor status of general shop deliveries go to Catalog > YouTube Queue.

Notice that after the post is complete the YouTube video is shown in the list. Otherwise it will have a YouTube icon with message "pending" or "processing" under it.


To monitor status of general shop deliveries go to Catalog > Soundcloud Queue.

Notice that after the post is complete the YouTube video is shown in the list. Otherwise it will have a YouTube icon with message "pending" or "processing" under it.


To monitor status of general shop deliveries go to Catalog > Bandcamp Queue.


If any item fails, be sure to try your post again. If the problem persists, send us a trouble ticket and we will take a look.

NOTE: If you have already delivered to a specific service in the past, you may notice that the system does not allow you to post again, even if the post failed. To circumvent this and force a redelivery, use the "force" or "redelivery" checkbox on the queue form when making your post.

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