Zip packages


Download your release as zip file, containing 320's, WAV's, artwork and a plain text info file.

Zip packages

Zip packages can be created on the fly as soon as you have created a release with full art and audio files in tact.

What does the zip contain?

These zip files will contain the 320's, WAV's, artwork and a TXT info file with all your release's details inside.

What are zips used for?

This is used for convenient sharing to press, internal staff, stakeholders, or anyone you wish. These zips are also used when you send a Zip-mailer.

What if I change my release files or meta-data?

If you have previously sent out a zip-mailer to someone and afterward you need to update a track file or artwork, you will need to regenerate this zip file so that the mailer recipient's zip file will contain the new files.

If the recipient already downloaded the old zip, they will need to re-download it to get the latest files.

All you have to do is regenerate a zip using LabelGrid and the recipient's old zip-mailer link will automatically be pointing to a new zip file with the updated contents.