Gated Downloads

Gated Downloads requires the person to follow, like, and/or other social actions before enabling a file download or forwarding to a secret link.

LabelGrid Tools incorporate a powerful Download Gate with Follow To Download functionalities.

WARNING: To enable the LabelGrid GATE functionalities you need to have a valid LabelGrid API Token.


Gated Downloads require the person/fan to follow, like, and/or other social actions before enabling a file download or forwarding to a secret link.

Currently supported actions


  • Follow Playlist

  • Follow User

  • Follow Artist

  • Save Track

  • Save Album


  • Follow Account


  • Follow Account

  • Repost Track

  • Save Track

How it works

LabelGrid Gate service connects to LabelGrid servers and handle the complete “Unlock to download” flow remotely.

Create a new gated download

To create a new gated download go to:

Dashboard > Gate Downloads > New


Choose Content Source

You can either Match with existing release or Upload an Artwork and Description.

  1. Match with existing release: a download button will appear in the release page.

  2. Upload an Artwork and Description: a download button will appear in the Gated Download page.

You can show a Gate Download button everywhere in wordpress using Shortcodes.

Choose Download Source

Upload File / Local File URL/ Path

Specify your file by either using the upload form or providing a link.

NOTE: external links and file paths are also accepted

For example, you can also specify external paths and links in the following format: Local file path: /home/user/public_html/something.mp3

Web URL:

External forward to URL

You can specify an URL to forward the user to once the Gate process is complete.

Specify gate actions

The download settings tabs lets you add several actions that must be performed when the end-user wants to download your file. These actions will be executed automatically once the end-user authorizes API access to their Spotify (Soundcloud, etc), account.


Gate Download Settings

For example, you can specify a Spotify playlist that you want the user to follow before the download is accessed. You can also stack these actions so that multiple actions are performed.

Set Minimum Number of Services to Connect

The field "Min. Accounts Required" in Gate Downloads->Download Settings give you the capability to allow users to complete the Gate with an inferior number of connected accounts than what you specified in the Gate settings.

This is useful in cases where users don't have an account on all the services required from the Gate and would be unable to complete it.

How to view a Gated Download

You can display Gated Downloads directly by navigating to the path /free-download/post-name.

Check the Plug-in installation for more information on how to set up the plugin.

Gate Download Button

Is possible to integrate a Gate Download Button in any post or page of your Wordpress install simply by using the dedicated shortcode and specifying the Gate ID.

The WordPress Admin list page Gate Downloads has a "Shortcode" column that you can use to paste on any page or post to show a Gate Download Button.