Create a label profile

Create a label profile

Let's set up your label profile in a few easy steps.

Head to Labels > Add Label

LabelGrid has two label creation methods: using our Wizard or the Advanced Creation Form.

Following the wizard is sufficient for most people and will ensure nothing is missed during label creation.

Step 1. Setting up your label

  1. Click on the wizard

  2. Input your label name

  3. Label description (some DSPs will display this)

  4. Upload your logo (required)

  5. Press next

Step 2. Add your email & URL

  1. Add your email address

  2. Add your website address

Step 3. Select your genre

Most labels release within a specific genre. To save time, you can predefine this during setup, and when setting up new releases, the genre will automatically be applied.

  1. Add your genre category, for example, Dance & Electronic

  2. Add your genre subcategory, for example, Drum & Bass.

Step 4. Copyright & Publishing

Add your C-Line & P-Line.

The C-line refers to the copyright of the musical composition (songwriting, music, and lyrics), while the P-line refers to the copyright of the specific sound recording (the actual recorded performance). The C-line typically credits the composer or publisher, and the P-line credits the owner of the recording, usually the record label or performer.

Usually, this will display as 2024 Your Label Name

  1. Add your desired name without the date. When building the release you can then add the date.

Add publisher

This is mandatory by DSPs. If you don’t have a publisher, add your label name. If you have already added a publisher to LabelGrid, you can search and select it. If not, create a new one and set the regions & percentages.

Add copyright owners

  • This is mandatory by DSPs to ensure the correct copyright is attributed to the release/label.

  • Add the name, ISNI, PRO, IPI, Percentage, and regions.

Step 5. Add Social Media

Here, you can populate your social media handles. Some DSPs will display these on your label profiles and be used in automated postings.

Step 6. Distribution

LabelGrid provides advanced distribution, so ensure this part is carefully completed.

Automatic Distribution: Enable this field to allow LabelGrid to automatically distribute your live content to any new DSP as soon as we support them.
Transfer to LabelGrid: If you’re moving to LabelGrid from another distribution company, we can help you transfer your catalogue.
Specialist DSPs: Some DSPs require manual review and won’t always accept your music. Please check the required DSPs, and our team will manually review them.
Monetization: LabelGrid can provide SoundCloud, YouTube, and YouTube Channel monetization. Please check the relevant boxes.

Beatport Distribution

Beatport is a specialist EDM DSP and requires manual setup. If you have an EDM record label, please check the relevant boxes.

Step 7. Final confirmation

Confirm and save your label.

Here's a technical document based on the transcript you provided:

LabelGrid Advanced Label Creator Guide

The advanced editor provides everything you require to customize your label, but it requires more effort to set up. If you’re new to LabelGrid, follow the Wizard, then come back to the Advanced Creator later to provide additional information (if required).

1. Main Information

  • Enter label name (required)

  • Provide a short name for your label

  • Add tagline

  • Write label introduction and description

  • Input label email address

  • Select label categories

  • Choose default genre


2. Images

This refers to the logo found under the Images tab of your label profile. This is the main logo we will use on dark backgrounds, so it needs to be a bright color that stands out on black (more on that below).

  • Upload logo (required)

  • Option to upload light and dark versions of logo for different store versions

PNG format required

Where is it used?

This logo will be used on your Demos Inbox, landing pages, generated video intro sequences, email alerts, and elsewhere as needed.

We need two versions of your logo, both with a transparent background.

Why two?

This is because the logo often overlays a varying degree of background brightness, and we need to accommodate both. The best approach currently available is to have a bright and a dark version of your logo.

Logo 1 (bright logo) image requirements

Find this field in Label > Images.

Aspect Radio

1:1 (square)

Dots per inch (DPI)

72 dpi


24-bit PNG




White of bright (compatible with black backgrounds)

Logo 2 (dark logo) image requirements

Find this field in Label > Images.

Aspect Radio

1:1 (square)

Dots per inch (DPI)

72 dpi


24-bit PNG




Black or dark (compatible with white backgrounds)

Your bright logo does not have to be white. It can be any color as long as it is clearly visible on a dark background.
Conversely, your dark logo does not have to be black. It just has to be clearly visible on a bright background. Minimal transparent gradients and shadows are ok, and can enhance how your logo looks on a wider array of backgrounds. Also note, the example in the above screenshot is from Photoshop which is why you see the checkered pattern. Your image should have a transparent background.

Example 1 (bright logo)

This example shows the bright logo in square aspect ratio with a transparent background.

3. Websites

  • Add website URL

  • If using our WordPress plugin:

    • Enter WordPress URL

    • Enter blog URL

  • Add podcast URLs (if applicable)

    • Enter your official podcast link (RSS). Soundcloud or Mixcloud links are also ok. This link will appear on your LabelGrid page.

  • Option to generate automatic website displaying back catalogue.

    • We generate a website automatically for your whole back catalogue, including landing pages for each of your releases (hosted by LabelGrid).

Your Website, WordPress, Podcast, and blog URL will be included in some of your automated postings, for example, posting tracks to SoundCloud.

  • Enable/disable Stripe carts

    • Enables a check-out form where fans can purchase your releases.

  • Enable/disable opt-in forms for email collection

    • Enables a mailing list opt-in form to collect email addresses.

  • Enable/disable demo inbox

    • Enables a special page where people can upload files to your LabelGrid demos inbox.

  • Enable/disable "name your own price" feature

    • Let fans name their own price when purchasing your release (requires Stripe cart to be enabled)

4. Retail

Enable the direct sales shopping cart, enable Soundcloud monetization, set your ISRC base code (if needed), label shop url, bandcamp url, and various DSP url's that point to your label on the DSP's

  • Enable/disable shopping carts

  • Enable/disable SoundCloud monetization

  • Enable/disable YouTube monetization

  • Add ISRC base (if known, otherwise leave blank for LabelGrid to predefined)

5. Contact

Set your label's email addresses. We provide various email address options so that you can route certain types of mail to certain places. By default, we will always send to your label email address.

  • Add label email address

  • Set "from" email address for platform-sent emails

  • Add specialized email addresses:

    • Sales

    • Dropbox

    • Accounting

    • Support

6. Message Presets

For demo management:

  • Set Approve Message Default

  • Set Reject Message Default

  • Set Reject Message Default 2


8. Clips and Video

  • Automatic generation of full-length 320kbps files

    • This can be enabled/disabled.

  • Automatic generation of full-length FLAC files.

    • This can be enabled/disabled.

  • Set default start time for clips

    • Different clip start times are available to choose from.

  • Set default clip length

    • Enter the number of seconds your clips should be (leave blank for full length).

  • Set default clip bitrate

    • 128, 192, 320kbps supported.

  • Choose default video format

    • Either choose from post full release as one video or post individual tracks

  • Select default video layout

    • Choose from: art background only (cropped), art background and square packshot, blurred art background and square packshot left aligned or left aligned with blurred background.

  • Set default video length

    • Choose from: auto, full-length, or use current audio clips.

  • Option to upload voiceover

    • Voiceover is a watermark and repeated quietly over the audio.

9. Copyright and Publishing


  • Enter Publisher Name

    • This is mandatory by DSPs. If you don’t have a publisher, add your label name. If you have already added a publisher to LabelGrid, you can search and select it. If not, create a new one and set the regions & percentages.

  • Add Copyright owners

    • This is mandatory by DSPs to ensure the correct copyright is attributed to the release/label.

      Add the name, ISNI, PRO, IPI, Percentage, and regions.

  • Set default copyright P and C line

    • The C-line refers to the copyright of the musical composition (songwriting, music, and lyrics), while the P-line refers to the copyright of the specific sound recording (the actual recorded performance). The C-line typically credits the composer or publisher, and the P-line credits the owner of the recording, usually the record label or performer.

10. Additional Settings

  • Set Catalog Number prefix (e.g., YRL for "Your Record Label")

  • Enable/disable previews before release dates

  • Enable/disable automatic distribution

  • Set default master splits for your Record Label


11. Social Media

Set all your social media links so we can include them in your automated postings.

  • Input all relevant social media links

12. Finalizing

After completing all sections, press "Finish" to create your label.

This guide provides an overview of the LabelGrid Advanced Label Creator. For specific questions or issues, please contact LabelGrid support.

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