Getting started - Part 2: Create a label profile

Let's set up your label profile in a few easy steps.


  • Label name

  • Label logo (optional)

1. Open the label profile editor

To bring up the label profile editor navigate to Catalog > Labels on the main nav.


We only need your label name and logo at this stage of your setup


We only need your label name and logo at this stage of your setup

For providing dark logo and landing page background. This background is also used on your public files uploader page.


NOTE: We only need your label name and logo at this time.

Set your label's website url, WordPress url, podcast url, and blog url. We will include some of these url's in your automated postings.


We only need your label name and logo at this time.

Set all your social media links so we can include them in your automated postings.


Enable the direct sales shopping cart, enable Soundcloud monetization, set your ISRC base code (if needed), label shop url, bandcamp url, and various DSP url's that point to your label on the DSP's


Set your label's email addresses. We provide various email address options so that you can route certain types of mail to certain places. By default we will aways send to your label email address.

2. Set your label name

If you already have an established label name, enter it with the exact spelling in the Full Label Name field and then click "Save" at the bottom of the form.

Once you have saved your label name into the system, you can continue to Part 3 of this quick-start guide, however, if you do have a logo, we suggest you go ahead and set that up (see specifications below).

3. Upload logo (optional)

This refers to the logo found under the "General" tab of your label profile. This is the main logo we will use on dark backgrounds, so it needs to be a bright color that stands out on black (more on that below).

Where is it used?

This logo will be used on your Demos Inbox, landing pages, generated video intro sequences, email alerts and elsewhere as-needed.

We need two versions of your logo, both with a transparent background.

Why two?

This is because the logo often overlays a varying degree of background brightnesses and we need to accommodate for both. The best approach currently available is to have a bright version of your logo as well as a dark version of your logo.

Find this field in Label > General.

Logo 1 (bright logo) image requirements

Aspect Radio

1:1 (square)

Dots per inch (DPI)

72 dpi


24-bit PNG




White of bright (compatible with black backgrounds)

Logo 2 (dark logo)

Find this field in Label > Images.

Logo 2 (dark logo) image requirements

Aspect Radio

1:1 (square)

Dots per inch (DPI)

72 dpi


24-bit PNG




Black or dark (compatible with white backgrounds)

Example 1 (bright logo)

This example shows the bright logo in square aspect ratio with a transparent background.

Plush Recordings @plushrecs


TIPS Your bright logo does not have to be white. It can be any color as long as it is clearly visible on a dark background.

Conversely, your dark logo does not have to be black. It just has to be clearly visible on a bright background. Minimal transparent gradients and shadows are ok, and can enhance how your logo looks on a wider array of backgrounds. Also note, the example in the above screenshot is from Photoshop which is why you see the checkered pattern. Your image should have a transparent background. PNG format required. Click here to download our example logo as a real world example.

Other fields

Feel free to fill out other fields on your label profile if you wish. You can always come back later and make changes. Check the rest of our documentation to read more about each setting.

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