Getting started - Part 3: Create a release

This will walk you through creating your first release.


Master copy of at least 1 track in WAV format (44.1kHz+, 16bit or 24bit, Stereo)

Artwork for the release in JPEG format 3000x3000 pixels 72dpi preferred

You must have rights to distribute this track (copyright ownership)

You must have already completed Getting started - Part 2: Create a label profile

Read over our meta-data style-guide to understand best practices for track titles, artist names, cat numbers, ISRC's, UPC's, album descriptions, etc.

Use our meta-data style-guide as a reference to ensure you use the appropriate info in each field.


Step-by-Step Guide:


  1. Navigate to Releases:

  1. Upload Artwork:

    • First, go to the "Artwork" tab.

    • Upload your release artwork.

  1. General Settings:

    • Navigate to "General."

    • Populate the necessary data fields.

  1. Title and Language:

    • Under the "Title" tab, enter your album or EP title.

    • Choose the language for the release.

    • Optionally, add a description that will populate some Digital Service Providers (DSPs).

  1. Artists:

    • Go to the "Artists" tab.

    • Add your primary artists in the order you wish for them to be displayed on the DSP.

    • You can also add featured artists.

  1. Date Settings:

    • Navigate to "Date Settings."

    • Choose a basic release date for a single-day release.

    • Or, press "Advanced" to set up staggered release dates (e.g., releasing in the UK on one day and in America on a different day).

  1. Additional Settings:

    • Go to "Settings."

    • Choose if you want your release to be exclusive.

How to Add Tracks to Your Release in LabelGrid

Follow these steps to add tracks to your release in LabelGrid.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Adding Tracks:

    • After creating your release, navigate to your release.

    • Scroll down to the "Recordings" section.

    • Click on "Add Track."

  1. Uploading Music:

    • Upload your music in a .wav format, preferably.

Audio requirements: 44.1kHz WAV 16bit Stereo. We can also accept 48kHz 24bit, but this is experimental. If you do decide to upload a higher-quality format, you should double-check your release afterward to make sure all files were properly processed.



  1. Completing Track Details:

    • Under the "Title" tab, complete all the required fields:

      • Mix Version: Specify the version of the track.

      • Title Language: Indicate the language of the track.

      • Track Title: Enter the title of the track.

      • Remix Title: If it’s a remix, enter the remix title.

    • You can also add other languages if applicable.

  1. Artist:

    • Add the primary artists.

    • Add any remixers or featured artists.

The order of the artists will reflect on leading DSPs.

  1. Metadata:

    • Populate the metadata fields under the "Metadata" tab:

      • Primary genre

      • Secondary genre

      • Copyright P Line

      • Copyright C Line

      • ISRC code

      • Mark as explicit content (Yes or No)

    • Optionally, designate "album only" tracks for tracks that are only accessible when purchasing the whole album.

  1. Adding Lyrics:

    • Under the "Lyrics" tab, add your lyrics along with the language they are in.

  2. Splits and Contributions:

    • Under the "Splits" tab, allocate percentages for the contributors of the tracks:

      • Complete master splits

      • Publishing splits

      • Contributors

      • Publishers

      • Copyright owners

    • Note: Completing these splits is mandatory to distribute your release.

  1. Finish:

    • Once all details are entered, press "Finish."

    • LabelGrid will then add your tracks to the release.

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