Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Pre-set Google Analytics events from front-end interactions.
To enable this feature you need to have correctly set up and enabled Google Analytics on your WordPress website.
How it works
Label Grid Tools send automatically event data to Google Analytics once any of the following actions is performed:
Click on Social Media / Store links
Pre/Save Spotify:
Start Wizard
End Wizard and Pre/Save Tracks
Gate Downloads:
Start Wizard
End Wizard and correctly follow the Gate destination
Under the hood
Label Grid Tools executes the following ga() scripts for each event.
If multiple ga() scripts are present, the plugin will auto-select the first one.
Releases Links:
hitType: 'event',
eventCategory: 'link-service',
eventAction: SERVICEURL,
Spotify Pre/Save:
hitType: 'event',
eventCategory: 'presave',
eventAction: 'saved',
eventLabel: 'Presave - Saved',
eventValue: GATEID
Spotify Pre/Save - Playlist saved:
hitType: 'event',
eventCategory: 'presave',
eventAction: 'playlist_save',
eventLabel: 'Presave - Saved',
eventValue: GATEID
Gate Download:
hitType: 'event',
eventCategory: 'gate',
eventAction: 'download',
eventLabel: 'Gate - Download',
eventValue: GATEID
, multiple selections available,
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